Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Now that we have come to the end of the semester, it is time to reflex on my feelings of keeping a blog. I feel a blog is a great way to keep your students involved in the class, even if they don’t like to participate in class. The reason I say that is because all the people in the class are able to read my comments that I make about certain topics we discussed in class. I personally am not a person who speaks up too much in class. I have a lot of opinions on topics, but just don’t let them out. This is the best way for me to get all of my feelings out for people to read. I also feel that blogging helps me keep up with all the sports topics out there, not just the headliners the shows on TV pound into your head. I will be keeping up on my own personal blog. If you would like to follow it you can e-mail me for the link to the site.

Mills pointed out that the best scholars “do not split their work from their lives.” To me this speaks to me, as I want to work in the field of sport, and my life revolves around sports. I watch too many shows on TV that have to do with spots. I watch too many sporting events than I should. Saying this, I don’t see it as a bad thing. I feel that all the things I watch on TV helps give me experience for what I want to do in the field of sport.

To finish this blog I would like to thank everyone who commented or just read my blog. I would like to thank Dr. Nancy Spencer for showing me that doing a blog is a productive way to express your feelings on certain situations going on in the world. Thank you to all and Merry Christmas to all!!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that you plan to continue to keep a personal blog. Are you going to write it on the topic of sports? I am hoping to renew my commitment to keeping my blog as well. I really find it cathartic and useful to be able to post regularly on my blog. Let me know the link and I will check it out. Thanks for sharing what you found useful in the class and I hope you have Happy Holidays as well!
